Clinical analysis of post operative adjuvant the rapy in gastric cancer
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1737 total views, 2 today

Meixing Wang1  YunhaiLi2

1 Department of Oncology, Minhang Branch of Fudan University ShanghaiCancer Hospital, Shanghai. 

2Department of Radiation, Minhang Branch of Fudan University ShanghaiCancer Hospital, Shanghai. 

ObjectiveToanalyze the response and side effects of postoperativeadjuvant therapy ingastric cancer. MethodFromJanuary 2005 toSeptember 2012, 156 patients with gastic cancinoma received thetreatment inour hospital,94 male, 62 female. The average age is 58.2years (23to 84 years, median 58 years). All the cases were pathologically confirmedgastric cancer. According to the 7th edition AJCC staging, IA 7cases, IB 7 cases, IIA 6 cases, IIB 19 cases, IIIA25 cases IIIB of the 34 cases,IIIC of 44 cases, IV, 12 cases, 2 cases unknown. All 156 cases have adoptedradical resection. 12 cases did not undergo anychemotherapy after surgery, 142cases received postoperative chemotherapy, of which 64 cases were treated withdocetaxel+platinum+fluorouracil(DCF) orepirubicin+platinum+fluorouracil(ECF)three-drug regimen, 66 cases weretreated with platinum+fluorouracil two-drugregimen, 9 cases oral S1 orcapecitabine chemotherapy, one case onlyintraperitoneal infusion of platinum +fluorouracil, two cases unknownchemotherapy regimen. 28 patients received postoperative radiotherapy. ResultThemedian follow-up of 36.5 months. 3-year overall survival rate was 53.5%, 3-yearlocal control ratewas 82.0%, 3-year distant metastasis rate was 53.8%.Univariate analysis showed that T stage (T1-3 or T4), N stage (N0-1 or N2-3), postoperativestage(I-II orIII-IV) were statistically significant with local control andoverall survival (P<0.05 for all), lymphatic invasion had impact ondistant metastasis(P=0.036). Inpostoperative chemotherapy, the use ofthree-drug regimen is superior to thetwo-drug regimen on overall survival (P=0.047).ConclusionTheoverall effect of treatment ingastric cancer remains poor. Postoperativechemotherapy using DCF/ECF three-drug regimen might have an advantage onoverall survival.

Key WordsStomachneoplasms  Prognosis statistical

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