Xuan Xie, Ke Jin, Huizhong
Zhang, Minghui Wang, Ju Chen, Xuan Xie
Thoracic surgery, Sun Yat-sen memorial hospital
Objective:Defining the status of single lung lesion
and making treatment strategy was intricate, and had been well studied for
decades. However, seldom studies had focused on this issue in patients with
history of previous malignancy. The aim of this study was to present the
properties of single pulmonary lesions in these patients, and to seek the
possible factors relating to the status of these lesions. Method: This
cross-sectional study included 110 patients with single lung lesion and
previous malignancy, who underwent surgical resection between February 2005 and
February 2015 at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital. Univariate and multivariate
analyses were performed to identify factors affecting characteristics of the
single lung lesion. Result: The metastatic tumors, primary lung cancers
and benign lesions were found in 64 (58.2%), 39 (35.5%) and 7(6.4%) pateints,
respectively. Univariate analysis revealed the smoking status (P=0.021),
primary tumor (P<0.01), lymph node status of primary tumor (P<0.01),
site of lung lesion (P=0.001) and adjuvant therapy (P=0.001) were
the possible factors relating to the properties of single lung lesions.
However, only positive lymph node status of primary tumor (95%
confidenceinterval [CI], 0.056-0.574; P=0.0004) and peripheral site of
lung lesion (95% CI, 0.029-0.716; P=0.018) were independently correlated
with a matastatic tumor in multivariate analysis. In a subgroup analysis of 76
solitary lung nodules ≤ 3cm, peripheral pulmonary lesion (95% CI,
0.004-0.0.632; P=0.021) and positive lymph nodes status of primary tumor
(95% CI, 0.041-0.790; P=0.023) sustained their significances indicating
intrapulmonary metastases. Conclusion: The incidence of single lung
malignant lesion in patients with history of previous malignancy was fairly
high. A positive lymph nodes status of primary malignancy and peripheral lung
lesion might indicate an intrapulmonary metastasis, rather than a primary lung
Words: single lung lesion previous malignancy status
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