2014 Best of ASCO®Event
PUBLISHED: 2015-12-28   1344 total views,  1 today

2014 Best of ASCO®Eventin China achieved a complete success


Best of ASCO® event in China co-organizedby Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) and American Society of ClinicalOncology (ASCO) was held at H.J Grand Hotel in Guangzhou from 10 to 13 July,2014.


The meeting attracted approximately 1300 clinicians, and 6 professionalacademic media to participate. It was consisted of 16 sessions including 32lectures and a special session about currentstandard practice after ASCO2014 particularly in Pancreatic Cancer, LungCancer, Sarcoma and Breast Cancer with 6 lectures. There are over 50 speakersinvited from ASCO and CSCO to present the selected 43 key abstracts with authorizedslides from ASCO 2014 Annual Meeting and give in-depth analysis on theadvantages and disadvantages of individual research and the latest progress ofclinical oncology which reveal the future direction of clinical oncology researchat the meeting. The content of these selected abstracts covers Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Hematologic Malignancy, GynecologicMalignancy, Melanoma, Genitourinary Cancer, etc. aspects. It is worth notingthat there are more opportunities for young professional scholars with their valuableresearch presented to inspire new thinking in clinical oncology research. Withsplendid content, it won great reputation from participants all over the world.

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