The Lancet Summit: Cancer care in Asia and Latin America
PUBLISHED: 2022-02-16   2520 total views, 2 today

The Asian Oncology Summit, organised by The Lancet Oncology, is set to return in 2022 for the 9th time, and on this occasion will be held in conjunction with the 1st Latin American Oncology Summit. This renewed event aims to highlight clinical and global oncology topics relevant for both Asia and Latin America in a post-pandemic world, allowing attendees to share experiences and learnings in both settings, to foster interdisciplinary and multinational collaboration, and to help inspire ideas to restore and improve cancer care and control.  For the first time, making use of a virtual format, this 2-day Summit is designed to enable the same topics to be discussed in multiple time zones and for each to share the lessons learned, creating a unique opportunity for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers to gain insights from other parts of the world to facilitate new opportunities and understanding of mutual benefit. Alongside the scientific sessions, this joint Summit will also include keynote sessions and oral presentations of the latest research and implementation science in Asia and Latin America. 

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