2021 CSCO Annual Meeting successfully completed!
PUBLISHED: 2022-02-11   2894 total views, 1 today

2021 CSCO Annual Meeting was held from Sept. 25-29and successfully ended. Experts from home and abroad gathered together to participatein the academic feast! On September 25, 2021, the 24th Chinese Society ofClinical Oncology (CSCO) Annual Meeting were held in Beijing! Clinical oncologyexperts from home and abroad gathered together to celebrate the academic feast!

The conference was co-sponsored by the ChineseSociety of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) and the Beijing XI SI KE Clinical OncologyResearch Foundation. In order to actively respond to the national epidemicprevention and control work, the 2021 CSCO Annual Meeting was carried out for atotal of 5 days in a combination of online and offline mode and the main venuewas set up in Beijing. The meeting will continue to uphold the fundamentalpurpose of CSCO, actively carry out academic exchange activities in new formsin special periods, promote academic exchanges and scientific and technologicalcooperation in the field of clinical oncology in China, encourage and supportclinical research and innovation, advocate precision oncology on the basis ofmultidisciplinary standardized comprehensive treatment, and actively promotethe development of disciplines.

During the conference, a series of thematic academicforums will continue to be held on various cancer species, cancer treatment,and clinical research on new anti-cancer drugs; Focus on the clinical frontiersof oncology, invite well-known domestic experts and scholars to make wonderfulprogress reports or lectures, and strive to comprehensively and accuratelyreflect the new concepts and new dynamics in the field of clinical oncology.And continue to hold a special "Drug Clinical Research InnovationSession", introduce excellent original clinical research, and invitefamous experts to comment. In recent years, CSCO paid more attention on theinnovation and creation on clinical oncology, two innovation sessions werecarried out in Beijing and Shanghai. Besides, CDE session is another keysession in CSCO annual meeting, a number of leaders and reviewers from CDE (Centerfor Drug Evaluation, NMPA) were invited to expound the current situation ofChina's innovative oncology drug review and interpret the evaluation guidelinesrelated to statistics from a unique perspective. There were also a number ofpractical cases at the meeting, which discussed how to carry out new drugresearch and development based on clinical value, pointed out the problems ofclinicians and pharmaceutical enterprises in the field of oncology in thecommunication of new drug research and development, and provided a higher levelof interaction platform for mutual exchange and cooperation among peers in thefield of tumors.


The conference kicked off in an exciting video thatshowed the development, inheritance and innovation of cancer diagnosis andtreatment. The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Prof. ZefeiJiang who majestically introduced the guests attending the conference.

At the beginning of the meeting, foreign oncologyexperts such as the President of ESMO, Prof. Everett Vokes, the President ofASCO, Prof. Solange Peters, and an old friend of CSCO, the co-founder of the Societyfor Translational Oncology, Prof. Martin Murphy, they all delivered a videomessage, in which they reviewed the long-term good cooperation with CSCO andexpressed their hope that they would work with CSCO to improve the globalcancer diagnosis and treatment level in the future.



Academician Jia Fan and Academician Jinming Yu unveiled the 2021 CSCOClinical Oncology Annual Achievement Award, and Prof. Yilong Wu from GuangdongProvincial People's Hospital won this honor.

This year there were 68 sessions in total, of which61 were online. 763 experts attended the meeting and gave speeches. CSCO is notonly paying attention to domestic research, but draw more attention fromforeign countries. Many excellent foreign abstracts were selected as OralPresentation and presented during the meeting. Based on data, there were morethan 160000 reviewers to visit CSCO annual meeting. Thank all experts and participants to join CSCO Annual Meeting.  Look forward to having you again in 2022, Xiamen, China.

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