memo inOncology Special Issue ESMO 2019 Lung Cancer report – now available!
PUBLISHED: 2020-03-03 17996 total views, 1 today
memo inOncology Special Issue ESMO 2019 LungCancer report – now available!
This report focuses on new advancements with checkpoint inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer, the issue of optimal therapy across several lines for EGFR-mutantlung cancer as well as trial updates on frontline combinations of EGFR- and angiogenesis-targeted agents. Additionally, we discuss the synergy betweenanti-angiogenic drugs and immunotherapy as well as innovations in the setting of rare mutations. Further, you will find the latest updates on emerging survival benefits in the small-cell setting. One particular highlight is an interview with Stephen Liu talking about the importance of infrequent mutationsin actionable driver genes.
Additionally, on our website you will find expert video interviews with Filippo de Braud, Michael Duruisseaux, and Ioannis Metaxas on different conference highlights.
The memo inOncology Special Issue report is produced by Springer, asa supplement of memo (the Magazine of European Medical Oncology) and sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim with an unrestricted educationalgrant. For more information on the memo inOncology Special Issue series, andfor free access to all previous editions, visit the memo-inOncology website.
Access anarticle directly:
· Preface
· Checkpointinhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer: expanding the range of options
· EGFR-positivetumors: the issue of optimal therapy across several lines
· Frontlinecombinations of EGFR- and angiogenesis-targeted agents
· Exploringsynergy between anti-angiogenic drugs and immunotherapy
· Innovationsin the setting of rare mutations: ALK, ROS1, NTRK, NRG1
· CNSdisease does not preclude successful treatment
· Eveninfrequent actionable drivers are important
· Emergingsurvival benefits in the small-cell setting