22nd CSCO Annual Meeting for Travel Grant
PUBLISHED: 2019-02-18   45027 total views, 2 today

To promote international cooperation and exchanges in clinical oncology, Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO) offers travel awards for foreign oncologists who are willing to participate the 22nd CSCO annual meeting in Xiamen, China during September 18-22, 2019. All non-Chinese oncologists are eligible to apply for this award.

CSCO Travel Award program consists of 1,000 dollars,complimentary registration for CSCO annual meeting and free accommodation for 4 nights (maximum).

The applicant needs to fulfill the following conditions:

1.   The submitted abstract is evaluated as oral abstract or poster abstract for the 22nd CSCO Annual meeting

2.   Be the first/corresponding author of the abstract submitted to the 22nd Annual Meeting

3.   Agree to present the abstract at the 22nd CSCO Annual Meeting, if the submitted abstract is evaluated as oral abstract or poster abstract for the 22nd CSCOAnnual meeting

4.   Provide valid identification of non-Chinese nationality

Awardcandidates must apply for the award at the time of abstract submission.


1. CSCO office will informall the award winners via email, and the winners should submit slides or posterupon request.

2. Award winners should beresponsible for the visa application themselves.

3. Traveling and cateringcosts will not be covered by CSCO.

4. The cash prize will bereceived onsite. If winners fail to attend meeting, it shall be deemed ashaving waived such right.

5. Award winners need toshow the passport and the official notification letter sent from CSCO whenreceive the prize.

※Pleasenote the right of interpretation shall be reserved by Chinese Society ofClinical Oncology (CSCO) only.


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